VIEW ALLCIVIL PROJECTSELECTRICAL PROJECTSMECHANICALWORKSHOPS Electric cabling on the trays on the right of wall. Cable Trays located inside metal beam at Emali NCCL project Cable trays located inside metal panels at emali NCCl project Senior Executive residential staff houses at Transmara Sugar Company Residential house for executive staff at Transmara Sugar Co. IMAG3180 Transmara sugar company factory expansion Molasses tank repaired at Agro chemical and food company Conveyor installed at Transmara sugar company Instrumention at NCCL Emali 3000 TPD clinker plant over 5375 MT steel fabricated and erected. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA IMAG2747 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA ETP Rectangle convetional Aeration Tank ETP secondary clarifier A ETP Rectangle convetional Aeration Tank ETP secondary clarifier b Project team of experts OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA IMG_20150901_135235 Cane hammers manufactured by our production department RABH Insulation Project evaluation KILN drive equipment installation 1.8 KM long conveyor installed at Emali project